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Description-ja: X11 Enter extension wire protocol This package presents development headers describing the wire protocol to the Input extension, applied to regulate all way of selections relevant to input machine handling.


This offer incorporates the headers and libraries needed to compile compiz plugins. Bundle: compiz-gnome

Description-ja: RTAS situations library growth documents This library gives a set of definitions and helpful routines for examining RTAS functions, for example parsing out sections of an RTAS function and printing their contents.

Description-ja: Pseudo Terminal Library with the KDE Platform This library gives primitives to interface with pseudo terminal equipment in addition to a KProcess derived class for working boy or girl processes and speaking with them using a pty.



Description-ja: GObject introspection info for that colord library This deal includes introspection details for libcolord, a gobject-centered usefulness library for programs to connect with the colord technique daemon.

Description-ja: X11 Fixes extension wire protocol This deal offers advancement headers describing the wire protocol for the Fixes extension, which is made read more up of some compact extensions towards the X protocol, which includes a Region sort.

乾燥する時期に快適な湿度を保つには、加湿器は欠かせない存在です。気化式加湿器は小型で効率的に湿度を調整できる一方、デメリットも存在します。ハイブリッド式はその問 ...

Description-ja: X11 Composite extension library libXcomposite supplies an X Window Procedure client interface to the Composite extension for the X protocol. . The Composite extension will allow shoppers termed compositing professionals to regulate the final drawing of the screen.

Its supposed use should be to allow easier configuration of network authentication and authorization (such as LDAP and Kerberos). Bundle: authbind


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